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New Tenant Welcome Gift Ideas

New Tenant Welcome Gift Ideas

Nothing will make a good first impression like a welcome home package for your tenants on their move-in day. At this point, they’ve already signed the lease and are sold on living at your Gilbert property, but they still don’t know exactly what to expect or feel quite at home yet.

Giving them a gift proves that you’re going to continue serving their needs; you weren’t just acting nice at the beginning to get them to sign, but you’re here to help make their life pleasant in your Gilbert rental.

welcome package from gilbert property management company

As one of the top property managers in Gilbert, we at Brewer & Stratton are well-versed in keeping the relationship between the tenant, the owner, and the property manager a friendly one. After all, treating residents well is a great way to boost retention.  A welcome package helps ensure that the transition is smooth, so we rounded up a list of the top gifts to give your new tenant. Include any of these items along with a sheet detailing everything they need to know about your rental, a tenant welcome letter, and a list with local and emergency contact information to help them get started in their new home.

The Essentials

As most people know, moving from one place to another in Gilbert is not a fun process. It’s hot, stressful, it takes a long time, and involves a lot of trips to the store for essentials that didn’t make it onto the moving truck. Nobody likes to get settled in their new home and realize that they don’t have toilet paper or that they have to use their t-shirt as a mop.

While you can’t help the Gilbert heat or lessen the amount of furniture your tenant may have, you can help cut shopping trips and make their lives a bit easier by providing some cleaning products and supplies. Wipes, soap, sponges, cleaning sprays, and paper towels are a good place to start. Your Gilbert property should already be clean for the tenants but moving in box after box is sure to bring dust and dirt. The tenant will also need to start living (showering, cooking, etc.) in their new home before they have a chance to sort through everything, so chaos is likely to ensue. Having cleaning supplies and basic toiletries ready to go will help your tenant feel more relaxed.

Classic Home Gifts

Gifts that make someone feel comfortable are always a housewarming hit. An aroma diffuser, candles, fresh flowers, or bath soap will be appreciated after a day of physical labor. These types of gifts are also great because they last well beyond moving day and will keep your tenant cozy for weeks to come.

If you have a chance to really get to know your tenant, try and remember anything they mentioned that might work well as a gift. Do they have a pet who could use a treat, or did they tell you how much they love the property’s pool but need a new sun hat? Maybe they could use a new coffee maker, or their kid loves to read and would love a new book. As a Gilbert property manager, we also like gifts that make sense for our location like a small cactus; after all, plants that don’t need much water make for the best presents.

Local Gift Cards

Another option for your welcome package is a local gift card. Your tenants may be new to the community and appreciate the chance to try out local restaurants, coffee shops, or other attractions. If you’re not sure what they like, give them a few gift cards of lesser value to multiple places. Helping them discover the neighborhood will show that you’re invested in their overall wellbeing while living at your Gilbert investment property.

Beyond offering a sense of community, local gift cards will also serve a practical need. During the moving process, your tenants likely don’t have time to cook elaborate meals. Money might also be tight from all the move-in fees or if they have overlapping rent from their last place. Gift cards are a way to offer a free meal or treat that they can take advantage of whenever they most need it.  

happy renter holding gift card from their  Gilbert property manager


Speaking of food, instead of a gift card to a restaurant (or along with one), you can cut straight to the source and provide snacks in your welcome package. Think about what someone might want after a long day of moving like protein-packed granola bars, water or juice, and fresh fruit. Stock their fridge with cold items or gift them a basket of non-perishables.

If you know your tenants well enough (and if they are age 21 and over), you can also go for a nicer touch with a bottle of wine, fresh-baked cookies, or something else with a bit more thought behind it to make your Gilbert property feel more like home to them. You can even go above and beyond and get them a full meal or their favorite coffee order.

Branded Swag

A final gift we recommend including in your welcome package is branded swag. Get your logo printed on a keychain for their new keys, a mug for their cabinet, or a coaster for their coffee table. While most people don’t want over-the-top branded gifts, something simple is a kind gesture; plus, whenever they see your gift, they’ll remember what a great property manager they have!

When it comes to a welcome package, it really is the thought that counts. Give your new tenants a warm welcome so they know you’re on their side as it will get them excited about their new home. Add in just a touch of something local or personal to make it all the more special.

Need help with tenant relations and figuring out what’s best for your property? At Brewer & Stratton, we offer homeowner, tenant, and real estate services to ensure that every step in the owning, selling, and leasing process is easy and stress-free for everyone involved. Contact us today to get started.
