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9 Proven Tips for Showing a Rental Property to Fill Vacancies Fast

9 Proven Tips for Showing a Rental Property to Fill Vacancies Fast

Making a great first impression while showing your vacant rental property to prospective tenants is crucial. During this time, your number one goal is to show potential renters the benefits of living in your property and having you as their Arizona landlord. 

This article explains how to show a vacant rental property.

There's a lot on the line for a landlord with a vacant rental property. You're losing money by the day! 

So, when someone shows interest in renting your property and would like to schedule a showing, this is the time to give it your all. 

Convincing a potential renter that your property is their dream rental can be easy, especially when you follow our proven tips for showing a rental property to fill vacancies fast. 

How to Successfully Show a Rental Property

During a rental property showing, you will take a prospective tenant through the rental and answer any questions they may have. However, behind the scenes, there are so many things to consider while conducting a successful showing. 

Prepare the Property

As a landlord, it's crucial to make a good impression when showing your property. Preparation is key when attracting high-paying tenants.

If the property is vacant, a meticulous deep clean of the property and a fresh coat of paint can significantly spruce up the place, making it more appealing to potential tenants.

On the other hand, if current tenants are still residing in the property, it's essential to give at least 24 hours' notice before a showing. Courteously request them to tidy up their living space. These steps will set the stage for a successful showing.

Provide a Tour

Taking potential renters on a guided tour of your property can be a game-changer.

This hands-on strategy allows landlords to personally showcase the unique features and advantages of the rental, creating a narrative that renters can truly connect with.

This is your chance to emphasize the property's strong points, be it the modern kitchen, the garden view, or that perfect morning light in the bedrooms. Remember, each unique feature discussed during the showing increases the property's perceived value. 

So, if you work with a property manager, ensure they are well-acquainted with these positives.

Brush Up on FHA Laws

Take some time and familiarize yourself with the Fair Housing Act.

This act contains key details about discrimination laws that you must abide by when showing your vacant rental property. Ignorance isn't bliss in this situation, as potential violations could land you in legal hot water.

So, ensure you're well-versed in aspects like refusing rental due to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability.

By reviewing and understanding these laws, you skate over potential legal landmines, ensuring all your property showings are compliant, fair, and successful.

Get to Know Your Potential Future Tenants

The key to successful showings lies partly in understanding your prospective tenants. Engage them in casual conversation- learn why they're on the hunt for rental homes.

Maybe they're relocating for work, or maybe they're looking for something more budget-friendly. 

Don't forget to inquire about what they desire in a rental property. A spacious kitchen? Lots of natural light?

These details will help you highlight the right features of your property, making it more appealing to them. 

Set Expectations

So you've reached the stage of the showing where the potential tenant likes the property - now what? It's vital to set clear expectations.

Walk them through the application process, highlighting the importance of tenant screenings they will undergo while applying to rent the property. Discuss the lease rules candidly, including timely rent payment, security deposit details, and potential penalty scenarios. 

This is also the best time to talk about any nuances specific to your property or neighborhood.

Being upfront and detailed from the get-go can save headaches down the line, fostering a healthy landlord-tenant relationship.

Describe the Neighborhood

Not wanting to miss a chance to seal the deal, you should make the neighborhood part of your presentation. Providing information about the surrounding area can be the final selling point.

Tell your potential tenants about the local amenities like grocery shops, hospitals, and gyms or the proximity to public transportation. Highlight the area's vibrant events and highly-rated restaurants.

Don't forget, they are not just looking for a house; they’re looking for a community where they can enjoy their lifestyle. Painting a picture of the neighborhood as a thriving and convenient place to live might just convince them to sign on that dotted line.

Confirm Showing Appointments Beforehand

Confirming appointments is an important part of showing a vacant rental property.

Remember, your time is valuable. That's why it's crucial to confirm every showing appointment with potential tenants before making the trip to the property.

This small yet crucial task can save you tons of wasted time and even shield you from the frustrating experience of a no-show.

If you're thinking you can't spare the time to make a confirmation call or send a text, don't worry. That's where a property manager comes in. 

They will handle those time-consuming tasks so you can focus wholly on the bigger picture of managing your rental properties.

Follow Up After Showings

Don't underestimate the power of a well-timed follow-up. 

A couple of days after showing a rental, drop a line via a friendly email or text to see if the prospective tenants have any lingering questions. It's an easy way to show you're approachable and on the ball.

And, when the tenants are touring multiple places, distinguishing yours can be a challenge. So, consider providing them with a take-home flyer with information about your property. 

The Secret to Successful Rental Showings: Property Managers

So, why do landlords who partner up with professional property management companies like Stratton Vantage revel in more successful showings?

We use savvy marketing techniques to attract the right rental seekers. Bulletproof coordination ensures no showing overlaps with another - a timewaster you don't need. Plus, a keen eye for prospective long-term tenants translates into shorter vacancies.

So, instead of trying to juggle everything yourself, entrusting the pros at Stratton Vantage with your rental property can be a real game changer. 

Not only does it save you time, but it also bumps up your success rate in this competitive rental market.
If you found this article helpful, make sure to read 9 Fixable Reasons Your Property Won’t Rent next!
