Property Management Tips

7 Crucial Questions to Ask a Property Management Company in Phoenix

Hiring a property manager for your Phoenix rental property can prove to be one of the best decisions you make. Whether you’re a first-time investor or an established landlord, getting professional help to manage your rental properties can generate more rental income than ever before.

That said, the interview process for a property management company can be challenging if you don’t know what to look for.

Not all property management is created equal.  And when it comes to handling the day-to-day tasks of your rental properties, it’s crucial you make the right hiring decision.

That’s why today we’re going to take a look at the most important questions you should ask a property management company in Phoenix, AZ.

What to Ask a Phoenix Property Management Company

1. How Many Rental Properties Do You Currently Manage?

It’s important to know how many rental properties they are currently responsible for.  The last thing you want is for their property managers to be spread thin across too many rentals.

A Phoenix property management company that manages too many rental properties may not provide the kind of customer service you deserve.  And a property management company that manages too few rentals could prove inexperienced and cost you money.

It is suggested that the perfect balance is around 200-600 rentals.  You should, however, take into consideration the size of their staff before making a final decision.

2. What Services Do You Offer Property Owners?

One of the most critical interview questions to ask a Phoenix property management company is what services they provide.  After all, if you’re going to invest your hard-earned money in property management, it had better be worth it.

Some companies will provide minimal services for maximum monthly fees.  You want to avoid this at all costs.  And you can do so by asking about the things they will be responsible for while managing your rental.

Here are some of the top services you should look for in a high-quality property management company:

  • Professional advertising of all vacant properties
  • Thorough tenant screening and placement
  • Solid rent collection procedures and quick no-payment follow-ups
  • Monthly and annual reporting of income/expenses
  • Routine property inspections
  • Eviction management, court representation, and knowledge of all landlord-tenant laws
  • 24/7 maintenance and repair services
  • Legally compliant lease drafting

Of course, this list is not exhaustive and your needs will differ depending on your individual situation.  The key here is to make sure you’re getting enough services to justify the added monthly cost.

3. How Do You Determine Rent Rates?

Good property management will provide a comparable market analysis of all available listings nearby that are similar to yours.

From there, they will be able to accurately price your rental to be competitive enough to get you the most rental income possible.  However, they won’t demand too much rent and risk turning away high-quality tenants.

Based on things such as the local market, your rental size, the amenities you offer, and more, you should always expect to generate a positive cash flow.  And the right Phoenix property management will do just that.

>> Looking for qualified property management companies in Phoenix, AZ?  [cta]Get a Free Rental Analysis[/cta] and learn the market value of your property today to make sure you collect the highest rent rate you can. <<

4. Do You Provide Any Guarantees?

If you’re wondering what to ask Phoenix property management companies during the interview process, make sure you always include a question about guarantees.

Experienced property management companies can offer many types of guarantees, such as an eviction guarantee or tenant guarantee.

5. What is Your Rent Collection Process Like?

Whether you’re an accidental landlord or trying to build a rental property business, making money is the ultimate goal. And, the only way you make money as a landlord is to collect rent from your tenants.

One of the questions to ask property management companies you’re interviewing should be about their rent collection procedures.

While there are many ways to collect rent from tenants, the one answer you should be looking for is online rent collection.

Online rent collection is the most convenient for tenants, which reduces late or non-payments.  It’s also the fastest way for you to get funds deposited into your account.  Lastly, online payments are the most secure method for collecting money from tenants.

If your Phoenix property management company offers tenants other ways to pay their rent, that’s okay.  Just make sure there’s an online portal for those that are accustomed to paying everything online.

6. Do You Have a Website?

You might want to ask the property management company you’re considering if they have a website.

In addition to making online rent collection a cinch for tenants, a property management website has:

  • A way to provide vital information to tenants that may affect them directly
  • A property owner portal for monitoring the management of their rental property
  • Resources that can help you build your rental property business into a success
  • A tenant portal for making maintenance and repair requests
  • An advertisement section for available properties (such as yours) for those looking to lease

If the property manager you want to work with can show you the company’s website, you are well on your way to making a good hiring decision.

7. How Do You Handle Maintenance and Repair Requests?

One of the top complaints tenants have is that there is no urgency when it comes to rental property maintenance and repairs.

If you want to keep your tenants happy, you’re going to need property management dedicated to handling tenant maintenance requests right away.  After all, happy tenants lead to more lease renewals.

Here’s what to look for in the answer your potential property manager gives you regarding maintenance and repairs:

  • There are several ways for tenants to get in touch with them to request maintenance and repairs. This may include the online portal, email, phone calls, or even text.
  • A reliable, professional, and affordable maintenance crew or insured contractor will handle all requests, no matter how minor.
  • Requests will be coordinated with tenants to suit their scheduling needs to decrease disruption in your tenant’s lives.
  • During routine inspections, all minor issues will be handled immediately to prevent more costly repairs in the future.
  • Your tenants will receive ample information about who to contact in case of an emergency.
  • You will always be notified of major maintenance and repair issues.
  • The property management company never profits off the maintenance and repair services they provide tenants.

There’s a lot that goes into maintaining your rental property.  And, while the tenants that lease from you are partially responsible for some things, you need to know anything beyond that will be taken care of.

Final Thoughts

In the end, hiring Phoenix property management to help you with your rental properties can be daunting if you don’t know what to ask during the interview process.  And if you don’t ask the right questions, you risk losing money and tenants due to poor service.

Before hiring the first company you talk to, make a list of questions you’d like to ask all Phoenix property management companies you plan to meet with.  This way you can make an informed decision.  But best of all, you can rest assured your property is well cared for, your tenants are happy, and you’re making money.

If you’re interested in having Stratton Vantage Property Management manage your Phoenix income property for you, contact us today. We can help with everything from tenant screening to property inspections and rent collection to maintenance and repairs.  All you have to gain is more time and money to enjoy the investment you’ve made and the rental income you generate.

Stratton Vantage Property Management

View Comments

  • It's interesting to know that hiring a professional property manager can generate more rental income because they are expert in getting the right tenant and maintaining the marketability of your property. If I were to become a landlord and I have a full-time job, I'll definitely ask for a property management service to help me further. It's sure that I will not be able to joggle with managing a rental property while having a full-time job.

  • I like your suggestion to ask about how they handle repair requests, since there are several different options for getting in touch with them about things like that. My husband and I recently bought some rental property and think we want to simplify things by finding a property management company to work with. I'm glad I read your article because I hadn't thought to ask about how they handle requests for maintenance and repairs.

  • My brother is looking for a property manager because he has a lot of rental properties that he can't manage. It was explained here that when looking for a manager, he should ask the expert on how many places do they manage. Moreover, it's recommended to consult experts when in need of good property management services.

  • I like what you said about hiring a property manager that takes the time to handle various requests from tenants. I believe that property management can ensure that your property is protected physically and financially. My friend wants to buy an apartment building, so I'll suggest he work some things out with a real estate agent beforehand.

  • My dad is thinking about getting a property management service for his other homes. It would be really nice for him to have a professional helping him. I'll be sure to tell him that he should ask them if they have a website.

  • I wanted to thank you for going over some questions that you should ask a property management company. It's nice to know that you should consider the size of the company's staff. This seems very helpful if it can give you an idea of how many properties the company can manage.

  • One of my uncles is looking for a management property service to help him out. It was well explained to consider someone that can handle various requests from tenants. This info will help him find the right company to help him manage his facilities.

  • Thanks for the tip to ask about the rent collection processes of property management companies. My brother wants to find a property management service for his rental home. Your suggested questions should help him evaluate and compare property management services more accurately!

  • I recently inherited some properties but I have no time to manage or take care of them properly. A friend suggested I hire a property manager because they can handle everything related to the properties and I can just get paid. Your article really helped realize that hiring a property manager is the best decision for me.

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